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Memory Management in Assembly language

Prahlad Godara ------ From DOOSEEP

Assembly - Memory Management

Memory management is the process of controlling and coordinating a computer's main memory. It ensures that blocks of memory space are properly managed and allocated so the operating system (OS), applications and other running processes have the memory they need to carry out their operations.
As part of this activity, memory management takes into account the capacity limitations of the memory device itself, deallocating memory space when it is no longer needed or extending that space through virtual memory. Memory management strives to optimize memory usage so the CPU can efficiently access the instructions and data it needs to execute the various processes.

In assembly language you can use both static and dynamic memory allocation. By properly managing the process of memory allocation, reallocation and deallocation, large programs can run efficiently even with limited memory.

The assembly language me Sys_brk() system call is provided by the kernel, in order to allocate memory without the need to move it later. This call allocates memory right behind the application image in memory. This system function allows you to set the highest available address in the data section.

This system call takes one parameter, which is the highest memory address needed to be set. This value is stored in the EBX register.
In case of any error, sys_brk() returns -1 or returns the negative error code itself. The following example demonstrates dynamic memory allocation.


The following program allocates 16kb of memory using the sys_brk() system call −

section	.text
   global _start         ;must be declared for using gcc
_start:	                 ;tell linker entry point

   mov	eax, 45		 ;sys_brk
   xor	ebx, ebx
   int	80h

   add	eax, 16384	 ;number of bytes to be reserved
   mov	ebx, eax
   mov	eax, 45		 ;sys_brk
   int	80h
   cmp	eax, 0
   jl	exit	;exit, if error 
   mov	edi, eax	 ;EDI = highest available address
   sub	edi, 4		 ;pointing to the last DWORD  
   mov	ecx, 4096	 ;number of DWORDs allocated
   xor	eax, eax	 ;clear eax
   std			 ;backward
   rep	stosd            ;repete for entire allocated area
   cld			 ;put DF flag to normal state
   mov	eax, 4
   mov	ebx, 1
   mov	ecx, msg
   mov	edx, len
   int	80h		 ;print a message

   mov	eax, 1
   xor	ebx, ebx
   int	80h
section	.data
msg    	db	"Allocated 16 kb of memory!", 10
len     equ	$ - msg 

Result −

 Allocated 16 kb of memory! 

Tags- Nasm Assembly language Memory Management. what is Memory Management in assembly language, This blogcreates content similar to stackoverflow geeks for geeks tutorialspoint w3schools and dooseep,Memory Management in assembly in hindi

File Management in Assembly language

Prahlad Godara ------ From DOOSEEP

Assembly - File Management

File management in assembly language is used to organize data and files available on your device, modify them like create new files, edit, delete, modify, move, rename, read, write etc.

The system treats any input or output data as a stream of bytes. There are three standard file streams -

  • Standard input (stdin),
  • Standard output (stdout), and
  • Standard error (stderr).

File descriptor and file pointer are used to write commands in file handler.

file descriptor - When a new file is created or an existing file is opened, the file descriptor is used to access the file. File descriptor is a 16-bit integer assigned to a file as a file ID.
The file descriptors of standard file streams - stdin, stdout and stderr are 0, 1 and 2 respectively.

file pointer - A file pointer specifies a location in a file for subsequent read/write operations, in terms of bytes. Each file is treated as a sequence of bytes. Each open file is associated with a file pointer that specifies an offset in bytes relative to the beginning of the file. When a file is opened, the file pointer is set to null.

File Handling System Calls

The following table briefly describes the system calls related to file handling −

%eax Name %ebx %ecx %edx
2 sys_fork struct pt_regs - -
3 sys_read unsigned int char * size_t
4 sys_write unsigned int const char * size_t
5 sys_open const char * int int
6 sys_close unsigned int - -
8 sys_creat const char * int -
19 sys_lseek unsigned int off_t unsigned int

The steps required for using the system calls are same, as we discussed earlier −

  • Put the system call number in the EAX register.
  • Store the arguments to the system call in the registers EBX, ECX, etc.
  • Call the relevant interrupt (80h).
  • The result is usually returned in the EAX register.

Creating and Opening a File

For creating and opening a file, perform the following tasks −

  • Put the system call sys_creat() number 8, in the EAX register.
  • Put the filename in the EBX register.
  • Put the file permissions in the ECX register.

The system call returns the file descriptor of the created file in the EAX register, in case of error, the error code is in the EAX register.

Opening an Existing File

For opening an existing file, perform the following tasks −
  • Put the system call sys_open() number 5, in the EAX register.
  • Put the filename in the EBX register.
  • Put the file access mode in the ECX register.
  • Put the file permissions in the EDX register.
  • The system call returns the file descriptor of the created file in the EAX register, in case of error, the error code is in the EAX register.
    Among the file access modes, most commonly used are: read-only (0), write-only (1), and read-write (2).

Reading from a File

For reading from a file, perform the following tasks −
  • Put the system call sys_read() number 3, in the EAX register.
  • Put the file descriptor in the EBX register.
  • Put the pointer to the input buffer in the ECX register.
  • Put the buffer size, i.e., the number of bytes to read, in the EDX register.

The system call returns the number of bytes read in the EAX register, in case of error, the error code is in the EAX register.

Writing to a File

For writing to a file, perform the following tasks −
  • Put the system call sys_write() number 4, in the EAX register.
  • Put the file descriptor in the EBX register.
  • Put the pointer to the output buffer in the ECX register.
  • Put the buffer size, i.e., the number of bytes to write, in the EDX register.

The system call returns the actual number of bytes written in the EAX register, in case of error, the error code is in the EAX register.

Closing a File

For closing a file, perform the following tasks −
  • Put the system call sys_close() number 6, in the EAX register.
  • Put the file descriptor in the EBX register.

The system call returns, in case of error, the error code in the EAX register.

Updating a File

For updating a file, perform the following tasks −
  • Put the system call sys_lseek () number 19, in the EAX register.
  • Put the file descriptor in the EBX register.
  • Put the offset value in the ECX register.
  • Put the reference position for the offset in the EDX register.

The reference position could be:
  • Beginning of file - value 0
  • Current position - value 1
  • End of file - value 2

The system call returns, in case of error, the error code in the EAX register


The following program creates and opens a file named myfile.txt, and writes a text 'Welcome to' in this file. Next, the program reads from the file and stores the data into a buffer named info. Lastly, it displays the text as stored in info. −

section	.text
  global _start         ;must be declared for using gcc
_start:                  ;tell linker entry point
  ;create the file
  mov  eax, 8
  mov  ebx, file_name
  mov  ecx, 0777        ;read, write and execute by all
  int  0x80             ;call kernel
  mov [fd_out], eax
  ; write into the file
  mov	edx,len          ;number of bytes
  mov	ecx, msg         ;message to write
  mov	ebx, [fd_out]    ;file descriptor 
  mov	eax,4            ;system call number (sys_write)
  int	0x80             ;call kernel
  ; close the file
  mov eax, 6
  mov ebx, [fd_out]
  ; write the message indicating end of file write
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, msg_done
  mov edx, len_done
  int  0x80
  ;open the file for reading
  mov eax, 5
  mov ebx, file_name
  mov ecx, 0             ;for read only access
  mov edx, 0777          ;read, write and execute by all
  int  0x80
  mov  [fd_in], eax
  ;read from file
  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, [fd_in]
  mov ecx, info
  mov edx, 26
  int 0x80
  ; close the file
  mov eax, 6
  mov ebx, [fd_in]
  int  0x80    
  ; print the info 
  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, info
  mov edx, 26
  int 0x80
  mov	eax,1             ;system call number (sys_exit)
  int	0x80              ;call kernel

section	.data
file_name db 'myfile.txt'
msg db 'Welcome to'
len equ  $-msg

msg_done db 'Written to file', 0xa
len_done equ $-msg_done

section .bss
fd_out resb 1
fd_in  resb 1
info resb  26 

result −

 Written to file
          Welcome to 

Tags- Nasm Assembly language file management. This blogcreates content similar to stackoverflow geeks for geeks tutorialspoint w3schools and dooseep,file handling in assembly in hindi

Assembly - Macros

Prahlad Godara ------ From DOOSEEP

Assembly Macro - Definition, Syntax and Examples

Macros: A macro is a set of instructions that is defined once and can then be used multiple times in a program. If instructions have to be used repeatedly for a particular task, a code block is made of a group of those instructions which are called and used at the time of need. This is called macros.

Another way to ensure modular programming in assembly language is to write macros. A macro is a sequence of instructions, which is specified by a name and can be used anywhere in the program.

macro Syntax

In NASM, macros are defined with the %macro and %endmacro directives. Macros begin with the %macro directive and end with the %endmacro directive.

Syntax for macro definition -

 %macro macro_name  number_of_params
    macro body

Where, number_of_params specifies the number of parameters, macro_name specifies the name of the macro.

The macro is invoked using the macro name with the required parameters. When you need to use some sequence of instructions many times in a program, you can put those instructions in a macro and use it instead of typing the instructions every time.

For example, a very common requirement for programs is to write a string of characters to the screen. To display a string of characters, you need the following sequence of instructions −

 mov	edx,len	    ;message length
  mov	ecx,msg	    ;message to write
  mov	ebx,1       ;file descriptor (stdout)
  mov	eax,4       ;system call number (sys_write)
  int	0x80        ;call kernel

In the above example of displaying a character string, the registers EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX are used by the INT 80H function call. Therefore, every time you need to display on the screen, you need to save these registers on the stack, invoke INT 80H, and then restore the original value of the registers from the stack. Therefore, it may be useful to write two macros to save and restore the data.

We have seen that, some instructions like IMUL, IDIV, INT, etc require some information to be stored in some specific registers and even return values in some specific registers. If the program was already using those registers to hold important data, the existing data in these registers must be saved to the stack and restored after the instruction is executed.

Macros Exampal

The following example shows how to define and use macros −

 ; A macro with two parameters
  ; Implements the write system call
     %macro write_string 2 
        mov   eax, 4
        mov   ebx, 1
        mov   ecx, %1
        mov   edx, %2
        int   80h
  section	.text
     global _start            ;must be declared for using gcc
  _start:                     ;tell linker entry point
     write_string msg1, len1               
     write_string msg2, len2    
     write_string msg3, len3  
     mov eax,1                ;system call number (sys_exit)
     int 0x80                 ;call kernel
  section	.data
  msg1 db	'Hello, programmers!',0xA,0xD 	
  len1 equ $ - msg1			
  msg2 db 'Welcome to the world of,', 0xA,0xD 
  len2 equ $- msg2 
  msg3 db 'Linux assembly programming! '
  len3 equ $- msg3

result −

 Hello, programmers!
  Welcome to the world of,
  Linux assembly programming! 

Tags- Nasm Assembly language Macros in hindi. This blogcreates content similar to stackoverflow geeks for geeks tutorialspoint w3schools and dooseep,macro in assembly

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