Types of assembly language and architecture

Prahlad Godara ------ From DOOSEEP

Assembly language is a hardware based language so each type of CPU has its own set of instructions, they all look the same. However, each CPU type has its own quirks, which is why the instruction set and syntax differ for each CPU architecture.

types of assembly language architecture:

  1. RISC: (Reduced Instruction-Set Computer)
  2. DSP: (Digital Signal Processor)
  3. CISC: (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
  4. VLIW: (Very Long Instruction Word)

RISC: (Reduced Instruction-Set Computer) is a microprocessor designed to execute a small number of computer instructions, Models: PowerPC, SPARC, HP-PA, MIPS, PC/XT, System/6000,

DSP: (Digital Signal Processor) - Digital signal processors (DSPs) take real-world signals such as voice, audio, video, temperature, pressure or position and then manipulate them mathematically. A DSP is designed to perform mathematical operations such as "addition", "subtraction", "multiplication" and "division" very quickly. Models: TI 320, Devices, Motorola 56000, Analog

CISC: (Complex Instruction Set Computer) - It is CPU design plan based on single command, where one instruction can perform multiple low-level operations like (memory load, arithmetic operation and a memory store etc. .. ) , it is efficient to execute multi-step operations . Models: PDP-11I, ntel x86, 68000

VLIW: (Very Long Instruction Word) - It is an instruction set architecture, designed to take full advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP) for improved performance and high performance without the inherent complexity of some other designs Models: Itanium, TI 320C6000

Note - there are many other processor architectures and different sets of assembly instructions for them,

types of assembly language

Actually, there is no general classification of assembly language types because a different assembly language is included with each machine architecture. They can range from the very basic like 4004, 6502 to the very complex like VAX-11.

If you know assembly language for one CPU, you can easily learn another assembly language by studying a little instruction set and syntax.

So regardless of the architecture and type of processor an assembly language can be divided into three types.

  1. Basic Assembly Language - It just converts instructions into opcodes. Most of these are for very small embedded devices.
  2. General/Specific Assembly Language - It fulfills the functions of basic assembly language, but also includes instructions and pseudo-instructions for creating data blocks, setting up code segments, and more. That's how most assemblers work. Most assemblers are of this nature.
  3. Macro Assembly Language - It allows repeated use of the most useful code blocks like - loops, substitutions, includes and many more. A good example is the IBM 360 assembler. Microsoft x86/x64 MASM assembler is also an example of this.


Conclusion - each type of CPU architecture has its own set of instructions, which has led to the development of many assembly languages, despite the many languages, their keywords and instructions are similar enough to make it understandable to humans, yet Each assembly language has its own way of working and algorithms, so it can be divided into three parts, basic - contains general instructions and covers, specialized - code with proper syntax and group of instructions is divided into blocks , Macro- In this, along with other facilities, macros ie separate functions were made for repeated instructions, they all have their own importance based on different uses,