CTR - Click Through Rate

Prahlad Godara ------ From DOOSEEP

Click through rate CTR

Click-through rate (CTR) shows the percentage of the audience that clicked on the ad video or link from your site on any platform (Google search, Adsense, any webpage) etc. Click Click-through rate can be different on each platform. Which shows how many out of 100 people visit your site.

CTR - formula Calculate Average Ratio

CTR Facts
  • For ads - Click-through rate (CTR) measures the proportion of individuals who view an online ad (impression) and subsequently click on it.
  • For websites - Click-through rate (CTR) measures the proportion of people who see a snap (impression) of your web on a search engine and then click on it.

CTR Full form - Click-through rate

What is Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who land on your web page from a search page. That is, what percentage clicks on the link or snap shown on the search engine.

formula for click-through rate (CTR)

CTR    =    
Total Clicks

Total Impression
    ×     100

How to Calculate Click-Through Rate.

To calculate the click-through rate, take the number of times a site or ad link has been clicked and divide it by the total number of impressions. Then multiply it by 100, (clicks ÷ impressions *100 = CTR). Which is the click-through rate.

For example, - if an online ad is clicked 36 times after being presented 1200 times, the result is a click-through rate of 36/1200*100 = 3%.

What is the best CTR ratio?

What is the best CTR ratio? If your CTR is around 2% or more for Google search and ads then you are good. This is generally considered to be a good CTR. However, depending on your industry, this may still be considered low. Some industries have a higher average CTR than others.

Why is CTR important?

It helps you understand your customers. What percentage of people visit your site after viewing your site link or advertisement.

What is the webpage average CTR?

The click through rate for any website advertisement or video depends on the audience and the position on the platform on which the advertisement website link is shown. Yet the average CTR of Google search is 1.92 and 1.39 percent of ads

Tags- normal CTR rate, good CTR, CTR percentage, website ctr, Google sport,ctr tutorial,
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