Blogger allows you to add links with the title of the post through Title and Enclosure links while posting and add links to RSS and Atom files to share your post content with your users through any other data or media type or speaker. gives. Generally, if a playable media file related to your post or audio of the post is made in it, then its link is given.
What is Title Link in Blogger?
The title link in blogger is the link that opens when you click on the title of your post. While editing or developing the blog theme, where you have imported and used the post title. There this link gets added. If you have not edited the theme then where the title of your post is visible. This link is attached to it and on clicking on the title this link opens.
What is an enclosure link?
Is any playable media or audio or any other data type file related to your post. Which is made for that type of file opening device. Enclosure links There is a facility to include the link of that file in the RSS and Atom xml file that stores the information related to this post. According to Blogger Help - Enclosure links are used to make podcasts, MP3s, and other content in your posts playable in feeds like RSS and Atom.
Title and Enclosure link feature enabling disabled in blogger
You can enable and disable Title and Enclosure link feature by following the following steps on Blogger.
Enable Enclosure link options in post editor
- Go to your Blogger Account.
- Go to menu.
- Go to setting.
- scroll up.
- Here you will find a toggle button next to Title and enclosure links, you have to open it.
By doing this, Title and Enclosure link will be enabled in your blog post editor.
disabled Enclosure link options in post editor
- Go to your Blogger Account.
- Go to menu.
- click to setting.
- scroll up.
- Here you will find a toggle button next to Title and enclosure links, you have to turn it off.
By doing this, Title and Enclosure link will stop appearing in your blog post editor.
Does Title and Enclosure link have advantage in seo.
Title and Enclosure link both allow you to include links to your other files. There is no direct seo benefit from them. But it is useful to add a file used on a particular devise and to include links and information to other files in an RSS feed.
What are RSS feeds?
The full form of RSS is Really Simple Syndication. It is an easy way to keep up to date with your favorite websites, such as blogs or online magazines. If a site offers an RSS feed, you're notified whenever a post goes up, and you can then read a summary or the full post.
Using RSS feed in blog - You can bring user to RSS feed by providing a link to RSS feed in blog wiget or your blog post.
RSS is written in the Internet coding language known as XML (Extensible Markup Language). This includes information and links related to the post.
RSS work
RSS automatically syndicates web content to provide benefits to both publishers and readers. It facilitates a reader to subscribe to his favorite website and read updates without visiting the website again.
What is ATOM file?
A file with the ATOM file extension is an Atom Syndication Format file that is saved as a Plain Text file and formatted like an XML file.
What is ATOM file? A file with the ATOM file extension is an Atom Syndication Format file that is saved as a Plain Text file and formatted like an XML file. ATOM files are similar to RSS and ATOMSVC files in that they are used by frequently updated websites and blogs to publish content to Atom feed readers. When someone subscribes to an Atom feed through the feed reader tool, they can stay up to date on any new content published by the site.
When someone subscribes to an Atom feed through the feed reader tool, they can stay up to date on any new content published by the site.
ATOM files work in a similar way to RSS files, so most feed reader services, programs, and apps that work with RSS files will also work with ATOM files.
What is MIME data type?
A MIME type (now called a "media type", but sometimes also called a "content type") is a string sent with a file indicating the type of file (for example, the content format). Illustratively, a sound file may be labeled audio /ogg , or an image file image/png .
What is a podcast and how does it work?
Podcasting is the preparation and distribution of audio files using RSS feeds to the computers of subscribed users. These files may then be uploaded to streaming services, which users can listen to on their smartphones or digital music and multimedia players, like an iPod.
Conclusion - Title and Enclosure links allow you to link to the content of your post and include and distribute information that helps you play certain files on certain devices.